The Los Angeles County Fire Code, Title 32, Section 903.5 and Section 903.6 provide for auxiliary water sources for fire-fighting operations in Fire Zones 4 (unincorporated) and the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (incorporated cities).  This code specifies that identifying placarding (signs) be placed at properties with swimming pools or spas, 5000 gallon capacity or greater, to provide fire-fighting personnel with additional water in emergency situations.  This program is especially valuable during extreme hot, dry conditions and/or fire seasons in areas where standard fire hydrants are sparse.  IDM is proud to help in the Los Angeles County Fire Department's efforts to help save lives and property.

  Product Overview
Pool Draft Sign
Used to identify pool draft hydrants

 High-Impact Polyplate
 Red / White sign colors
 Retro Reflective Graphics
 10" x 7.5" size

Price: $ 23.64 each
Pool Placard
Used to identify pool and spas with 5000+ gallon capacity

 High-Impact Polyplate
 Blue / White sign colors
 Retro Reflective Graphics
 5.5" x 4" size (small)
 10" x 7.5" size (large)

Price: $ 10.97 each (small)
Price: $ 23.64 each (large)

  Suggested Use / Mounting Instructions

  Ordering Information
Click here to open printable order form
Ordering is easy!
  • Click on the order form image to the left to display the full-size order form.
  • Click print to get a printed copy of the order form.
  • Fill out the order form completely.
  • Enclose the order form and payment in an envelope and mail to IDM.
If you have any questions, feel free to call IDM at (714) 847-8081.

  Additional Resources
 Regulation text from County of Los Angeles Fire Department, Operations Bureau
 Posted Sign Mounting Instructions

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